TCM Tilt Current Meter Data Logger sharklife conservation group pregnant ragged toothed shark recording water velocity

What is a Tilt Current Meter

The relatively high cost of Acoustic Doppler Profilers (ADPs) has placed practical limits on the use of these meters in marine research projects. One approach to reducing the cost of current measurements has been the re-invention of the Tilt Current Meter (TCM). Developments in accelerometers, magnetometers and low-power non-volatile memory have made it possible to make small, accurate and inexpensive TCMs.

Simple to Use

Improved Tilt Sensor

The tilt sensor uses both an accelerometer (tilt) and magnetometer (compass) enabling accurate direction measurements without needing to know the orientation of the device when deployed.

Figure 1 TCM

Tough Enclosure

Built from PVC or Titanium, the TCMs can operate in as little as 11 inches of water to 10,000 meters

Easy to Deploy

The TCM is light weight and is typically deployed using a concrete paver or led diving weight. Depending on the water depth, the meters are deployed by divers, bridal mount from a small vessel or ROVs for deeper depths.

Tilt Current Meters TCM Maldives by MUI by Six Senses Laamu within Laamu Atoll Data Loggers
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Flexible Sample Rates, Large Memory & Long Battery Life

The meter can sample up to 64 times per second. Burst mode allows for variable rate logging at user defined interval.

8 GB memory card virtually eliminates memory concerns.

Powered by a user-replaceable full size Lithium A battery, the meter can operate at 4Hz sampling for a year.

Meet the Line Up

Most Versatile

  • Rated to 300 Meters
  • Record Velocities up to 80 cm/s
  • Minimum Depth 1 Meter
  • Length 73 cm (28.7 in)

Shallow Water

  • Rated to 30 Meters
  • Record Velocities up to 50 cm/s
  • Minimum Depth 28 cm
  • Length 25 cm (9.8 in)

Deep Water

  • Rated to 4500 Meters
  • Record Velocities up to 80 cm/s
  • Length 77 cm (30.3 in)

Very Deep Water

  • Rated to 10,000 Meters
  • Record Velocities up to 50 cm/s
  • Length 109 cm (42.9 in)
Domino Top Dog Lowell Instruments

Domino Software

Domino Software for Windows is Lowell Instrument's Python based, open source software for use with our MAT-1 data loggers and TCM Tilt Current Meters. The easy-to-use Domino software is used to create a setup file, start and stop the meters, and converts binary data to a CSV format.

Domino is also Head of Security at Lowell Instruments!


Ocean currents were estimated from the drag on a pendulum [TCM] attached to the sea ice that measured accelerations and magnetic field strength vectors in the all three spatial dimensions. It is a promising new and simple technology that we successfully put to the test. Such a network holds the promise to revolutionize under-ice ocean sampling in polar regions.


TCM Tilt Current Meters Data Logger Inverted TCMs deployed Under Sea Ice in Wolstenholme Fjord in Greenland by Andreas Muenchow from University of DE

Andreas Muenchow
University of Delaware
Professor at the School of Marine Science and Policy

In order to calculate oxygen flux (net community production, NCP) over the seagrass bed it was important to show that there was tidally driven uniaxial current flow over the bed which allowed us to determine NCP using an ‘upstream-downstream’ approach (any changes in pH or dissolved concentration over the bed were due to seagrass productivity along the transect line). The tilt current meters were very easy/straightforward to program and deploy. We did not have to worry about the orientation of the meter or having it deployed exactly level as we do for the ADVs and ADPs. Transportation was also much easier. We could pack the current meters (buoyant part) in a regular suitcase and hand carry the loggers on the plane.  Our other instruments required their own cases which quickly becomes expensive for field work.



Heidi Hirsh
Stanford University